자민당은 중의원 선거에서 과반수 의석을 차지하지 못해, 야당인 입헌민주당 대표 노다와의 결선 투표에 돌입했습니다. 결선 투표가 이루어진 것은 30년 만의 일입니다.
결과적으로, 이시바 시게루가 103대 일본 총리로 지명되어 제2 이시바 내각이 출범했습니다. 내각에는 법무상에 스즈키 케스케(鈴木馨祐), 농림수산상에 에토 타쿠(江藤拓), 국토상에는 공명당의 나카노 히로마사(中野洋昌)가 임명되었으며, 그 외의 각료들은 재임되었습니다.
이시바 총리는 연내에 ‘정치자금규정법’ 개정을 목표로 한다고 밝혔습니다.
The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) failed to secure a majority of seats in the House of Representatives election, leading to a runoff vote against the opposition Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP) leader Noda. This is the first runoff in 30 years.
As a result, Shigeru Ishiba was appointed as Japan’s 103rd Prime Minister, and the second Ishiba Cabinet was formed. In the cabinet, Keisuke Suzuki was appointed as Minister of Justice, Taku Eto as Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and Hiromasa Nakano of the Komeito Party as Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, while other ministers retained their positions.
Prime Minister Ishiba stated that he aims to revise the Political Funds Control Act by the end of the year.